Sunday, June 8, 2008

My sister, the hero

On her way home from a hard days work recently, our Rebecca was disturbed to find 100,000 Rangers fans rioting in city centre Manchester, following the UEFA cup finals and Manchester City Council's inability to find a big telly that worked.

She got chatting to a young man who had lost his phone, his mates, and his knowledge of where to catch his bus home to Glasgow.

Now at this point I'd have said...well, I'd have muttered...well, to be honest, I'd have avoided talking to him at all.  But Rebecca is more kindhearted and fearless than I am.  So what did she do?  Offered him a place to stay for the night.  The poor lad was from a rural area and clearly traumatised by the violence he'd seen, and very grateful for the help.

Mum told us about this, Sharon told her friend about it, who spoke to someone else we all know who had seen a letter in the Manchester Evening News from a grateful Glaswegian dad, thanking "Rebecca and her family in Burnage", who told Sharon's friend, who told my Mum! 

It doesn't surprise me that they hadn't spotted it themselves.  Every night after tea, Mum falls asleep with the paper on her knee.  If you try to take it off her, she wakes up and says, "I was reading that".  Oh aye.

Just goes to show: news travels fast and far and back again; and acts of kindness are still appreciated in this world.

Nice one Becca bonce.


  1. Thankyou Colin, I've never been called a hero before! Mum's thrilled to bits that Murray's father wrote to the paper and she'll have you know that she was in York fast asleep after tea that night.
    It's amazing how big the St Margarets grapevine has grown! All the way round the world.
    I'm sorry missed talking to you on the phone today. I look forward to catching up.
    Your first birthday in Australia soon!!
    love Beck.

  2. Great to read about Rebeccca from Australia when she's probably at home round the corner from here in Burnage!

    Please continue to keep us up to date with Burnage matters!

    By the way you missed a great "Love Burnage" event yesterday and then sun shone even here. Maybe you already knew that!

    Love from Frances, Love from Burnage
