During our weekend away, whilst Sharon was discovering tea shops, Robert, Owen and I joined about 10 others for the modern equivalent of a treasure hunt. It's best described by the website:
"Geocaching is a high-tech treasure hunting game played throughout the world by
adventure seekers equipped with GPS devices. The basic idea is to locate hidden
containers, called geocaches, outdoors and then share your experiences online.
Geocaching is enjoyed by people from all age groups, with a strong sense of
community and support for the environment"
A couple of the blokes from church had GPS devices, and a list of co-ordinates from around the area we were staying, so off we set, nerdalator in hand. The locations took us too a place near the beach (we couldn't find that one), a cemetery, the bluff and a surfing beach. Apart from the first one, at each we found a little plastic container with a log book and little trinkets - McDonald's Happy Meal Toy level of value. Apparently you can track your trinkets as people remove and swap them around, logging the movements on line.
It was a really good thing to do, taking us to places we wouldn't have normally gone to (who goes tramping around an abandoned cemetery on a church weekend away?). It was actually quite exciting, giving each bit of walking an adventurous purpose. The GPS get you to with 5m, and then you have to find it. Robert was really chuffed when he found the last one.
If you've got a GPS device, I'd thoroughly recommend it

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