Thursday, September 11, 2008

Not being there - clarification

I've given the wrong impression on my last post when I said, 'you have to get that sort of information 3rd hand'.

This reads like I'm saying we're not kept in the loop.

That's absolutely not the case, and not what I was trying to say. My family and everyone have been great at letting us know as much as they do, when they do.

What I meant was Mum, not wanting to bother anybody, always down plays any suffering she goes through. Even when we could call in in person regularly she'd say, "ooh I'm alright". A couple of weeks later she might tell you how rotten she was feeling.

One of the dangers of the written word I suppose.  It was a pretty downbeat posting I wrote, but there is a down side to being here, and I thought that should be reflected in what I write.

In the next one I hope to share with you pictures of the David Hasselhoff wig I bought at the Royal Adelaide Show.

1 comment:

  1. Is it a chest or hair piece?
